Howler appearing in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second film in the saga of Harry Potter.
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Noetikon, Star Wars: The Old Republic
It is powered by USB cable and has inside a HUB with space to plug 3 USB memories.
Under request. Ships within 12 business days after payment.
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The Noetikons were treasured relics of the Jedi Order and were special Holocrons designed to sift through the vast storehouse of knowledge within the Jedi Archives. Each of these devices were infused with the wisdom, knowledge and personality of three of the greatest Jedi Masters in the Order. When accessed, an individual consulted with a holographic representation of these Masters who went through their great knowledge to help those Jedi that came to them. There were at least three different Noetikons which consisted of the Noetikon of Science, Noetikon of Light and the Noetikon of Secrets.
Size: 10 x 10 x 10 cm
It is powered by USB cable and has inside a HUB with space to plug 3 USB memories.
Aged and flashing green and orange lighting.
See video
Under request. Ships within 12 business days after payment.
Howler appearing in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second film in the saga of Harry Potter.
Under request. Ships within 7 business days after payment.
Shankara's manuscript part that appears in the second Indiana Jones movie, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
Under request. Ships within 7 business days after payment.
Faithful replica of the rubbing that Henry Jones performed on the tablet of the grail, and wich his son will keep with his diary during the film.
Perfect for display alone or with his replica grail diary
In stock.
Back to the future III Frame's replica. Wooden with resin ornamentation.
Under request. Ships within 7 business days after payment